Tuesday 21 April 2020

Tuesday 21st April 2020

Happy Tuesday Year 3!

Today is my wife's birthday, so we are going to have a party on Just Dance later today.

Today you are going to crack a code using your knowledge of bar charts. When you cracked the code, answer the joke at the bottom.

Ciao for now!
Mr McKenzie


  1. 1)15 acts on Friday
    2)The difference is that Tim smiled more than Alice
    3)13 acts are compared to Monday and Thursday
    4)12 acts happened over the weekends
    5)They smiled 40 times altogether
    6)The difference is that Thursday has the most Day of the week
    7)13 acts happened on Tuesday
    8)Alice and Theo smiled 15 times altogether
    9)The difference between the most and the least numbers of smiles is that there are a lot of least smiles but less of more smiles
    10)The difference between the most and the least acts of kindness in one day is that Thursday is the most in one day and Saturday is the least in one day
    11)9 acts on Monday Shanel

  2. The little tree said we are both trees
    Happy Birthday to your lovely wife <3 that's a heart side ways


    1. Thank you for your kind wishes.

  3. Happy Birthday Mrs McKenzie from Me & My Sister Aniyah hope you had a great day

    1. Thank you, Navaya. I hope you and Aniyah are doing well!
