Thursday 23 April 2020

Thursday 23rd April 2020 - Science

Although I miss you all very much, creating work online has reduced the amount of paper I use. This made me think..

What do we do at school that needs paper?
What could we use instead?
Why should we try to use less paper?
How is paper made and where does it come from?

Let me know you thoughts and ideas!


  1. we need to write our lerning ansers.
    we could use our whitebords.
    it isn't good for the enviroment and they cut trees and wee get oxegen from trees.
    paper is made from trees and is made from big machines. amiee

  2. 1. We use paper to print things from the computer.

    2. We can use cardboard, whiteboard, chalk boards instead of paper.

    3. Because we don’t want to waste it and paper comes from trees. If we use more paper we have to cut down more trees and that’s bad for the environment,

  3. Great reasoning Aimiee and Navaya-Sky!
