Tuesday 21 April 2020

Tuesday 21st April 2020 - Spelling, punctuation and grammar

Today I would like you to identify and use the correct article (the, a or an) to answer the following questions.

1) True or false? The articles are used correctly in the sentences below.

2) Use the articles to complete the sentences. The sentences may use more than one article.

3) Idriss thinks he has used the correct article for the sentences below. Find and explain any errors.


  1. . My favourite animal is an octopus. =AN
    . Maria saw an Eiffel Tower. =AN
    . Fred saw a bird in a tree. =A

    1. Maria saw the Eiffel Tower.

  2. 1)the & an number 2
    2)the & a
    3)the & an
    Number 3
    AN & A because they are in the wrong places and they do not make sence.
    A & A because at the end of the sentence the a has to be the word an.

  3. 1) False and the article is an octopus.

    B) True

    c) It is false and the article is a bird.

  4. The police hoped they could find the owner of the orange van.

    Mr Brown the teacher likes to write with a black pen.

    The shark lives in the ocean.

  5. A is not meant to be next to optishons

  6. 1) AN and A

    2) AN and A

    The errors are A and AN because doesn't say which optician,plumber or electrician in particular so it can be anyone.
