Friday 17 April 2020

Friday 17th April 2020

Happy Friday to you all!

I hope you are all well. It was great to see all the responses to yesterdays post. I was blown away by all the great answers to my random question. Thank you so much for the responses. Keep up the great work!

The McKenzie household were up late yesterday as my daughter decided that she didn't want to sleep. Nabeelah was chatting all night, which would have been alright if she could talk! Today we are going to play Monopoly (after Idriss has practiced his handwriting and 2 times tables). I hope I don't lose as Idriss is a bad winner and will rub it in my face!

Next week we will be returning to our normal 3 blogs, so there will be lots to keep you occupied. If there are any topics you would like me to cover, please let me know in the replies section. 😀👍


As you can probably tell, we like to take pictures in the McKenzie house. Below is my favourite picture that doesn't have any faces in it.
I love this picture as it was taken as my son and I were singing whilst walking to a shop to buy ice cream. 

My challenge to you is to take or find a picture you really love with no faces in it. It could of anything, but I would like you to tell me why you like it.

Please send your pictures to   and I will put them on the blog (along with Idriss' comments).


Have a wonderful weekend and I'll be back on Monday!

Ciao for now!
Mr McKenzie


  1. Hi MR Mckenzie
    I don't know how to get on Purple Mash and I don't know my password, could you help me if you know how to do it I really appresheate that.
    thank you. Shanel

    1. Hello Shanel,

      I will get your passwrd sent out to your parent's email address today.

      I hope you are doing well.

      Mr McKenzie
