Thursday 9 April 2020

Thursday 9th April 2020

Happy Thursday to you all!

This morning the McKenzie's have been snuugled up in bed, but it is time to get up for our morning exercise! Well done Navaya for getting involved with the morning work out. Keep up the good work!

Which one of my children is ready to exercise?
I really loved reading the responses from Navaya, Lanilde and Miss Mackenzie from my Tuesday task, you brighten my day! son loves asking me random questions (I wonder where he gets that from?😁). Some of my favourites so far have been...

"What's a UFO?"
"What is equity"
"Why doesn't my sister have teeth?"

This morning he asked "Where does the Easter Bunny come from?"

I need your help!!! Can you give me an explanation so I can give him an answer?

Thanks for your help, stay safe and have a great weekend!
Ciao for now,
Mr McKenzie

1 comment:

  1. Idriss sister doesn't have teeth because she is still a baby and when she grows she will grow some teeth.

    Equity means the quality of being fair.For example equity of treatment.

    UFO means a mysterious object seen in the sky and cannot be identified.

    Am not sure but according what i have investigated the easter bunny eggs comes from U.S. 18th century.
