Friday 24 April 2020

Friday 24th April 2020 - Topic

Thinking back to our look at the Victorian era, I want you to look at the picture below. Can you tell me about the all the differences living in Victorian times compared to how we live today.

Can you remember when the Victorian era began and ended?


  1. They nearly have the same as use but it's all ripped and dirty, but our things are clean and shiny.
    The Victorian era began in 20 June 1837-22 January 1901

  2. The Victorian era started in 1837-1901

    When they wanted to iron they would put two irons in the oven so they could use them but we have electric irons.

    If a family wanted to sleep only a new born and the parents would sleep on the duvet and the rest of the family would sleep on the floor.But if we want to sleep we can just sleep on any duvet.

    If people in the Victorian would like to wash their clothes they would use their hands to wash their clothes but we have washing machines.

    If people wanted to use the toilet they could just go to the toilet but in the Victorian times if they wanted to go toilet they would just have to go to the garden and use the toilet because the toilet was in the garden.

    When the people wanted to dry their clothes in the Victorian times they would spread them on the bushes but today we don't do that we leave our clothes outside to dry.

  3. 1837-1901 is the Victorian era.

    In the Victorian times compared to how we live is that had to climb chimney’s and their toilets were outside.

    Our toilets are in Our houses and we don’t have to climb chimneys.

    We have washing machines to wash our clothes and in Victorian times they have to hand wash their clothes.

    We have clean water from sinks and they had pipes.

    When children had to go school they had one row of girls and one row of boys and we sit anywhere in class I remember this when we went to the museum.

  4. I really enjoyed your comparisons and your recall of the dates of the Victorian era.
