Wednesday 20 May 2020

Wednesday 20th May 2020 - Science

Idriss and I were walking around our block and he asked one of his many, many questions.

"Daddy, why is my shadow different sizes when it is morning and lunchtime?"

Can you help me give Idriss a scientific answer explaining why our shadows change size during the day?

Be a scientist and measure a shadow caused by sunlight at different times of the day to prove your explanation!

Thank you for your help!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Because the sun moves and our shadows moves to.

  3. I think the reason why our shadows change size is because in the morning the sun is high in the sky and is really big. In the evening the sun begins to set and is lower to the earth. I think this is why our shadows are smaller in the evening than in the morning,

  4. The sun makes long shadows in the morning and late afternoon when it's
    sitting low in the sky.At noon,when it's directly above you,your shadow
    is short or nonexistent.

  5. Objects on earth cast shadows that shows earths rotation.
    The angle of the sun,low in the sky.As the earth continues to rotate and the sun appears lower in the sky towards evening

  6. I absolutely love Lanilde and Shanel's explanations! Idriss is much clearer on how shadows change size during the day.

    We are going to measure our shadows today!
