Friday 22 May 2020

Friday 22nd May 2020 - Topic

I have always wanted to be a pirate and sail the seas! Maybe I have watched to many pirate films 😆.

Can you write a story about me as a pirate travelling across the seas to places like India, Jamaica and South Africa?

  • What oceans would I cross?
  • What languages would the people speak there?
  • What goods could I get from these lands?
  • Can you include facts whilst also telling a story (like the book Stone Age Boy).

AAAAAarrrrrrrgggggggghhhhhh, me hearties!!!!


  1. 1) The Atlantic ocean
    2) South African
    3) Gold diamonds and treasure.

    From: Orion

  2. 1.I would cross Venice
    2.Venice has a fancy boat called gondola and it's like England because the weather could be the same as London.
    3.The people in Venice speak Italian.
    4.You would like the food, river, weather and you could like the language they speak.

    my story about captain Dean
    Once in a ship and on the sea lived a mighty pirate called captain Dean who was alone and wanted to go to Venice so off he went and sailed to Venice.
    One hour later he arrived to Venice and saw a lot of people happy and wonderful, he realised there were fancy boats called gondola and sunny weather like London. He wanted to taste the food but the people would be scared to see him as a real pirate so he went down to his basement and changed and he even had to shave his moustache so they don't notice, then he went and ate some food then he went to try the gondola but then he found a girl to go with him so they met and went to the boat he asked what her name was and it was Maya and she asked his name and said Dean he told all about himself and they both noticed that they were both pirate's then they became friends then got married and lived in Venice with there two kid's. THE END

  3. Once upon a time there was a pirate called Mr McKenzie. He travelled far and wide. Some of the countries he went to were India, Jamaica and South Africa. To get to India he had to travel through the Arabian sea. When he got there he had some tea and some food. Before he left for he's next adventure he bought some spices and some diamonds for he's wife. India is the biggest producer of quality diamonds and diamond jewellery. In India they speak different languages like Hindi, Guajarati & Urdu. On he's way to Jamaica he travelled through the Caribbean sea. When he arrived he bought some fish, rum, rice and tropical fruits like mango and pineapple. In Jamaica they spoke Jamaican Patois. He's final destination was South Africa. He had to travelled through the Atlantic ocean which is the second largest of the world's oceans. In South Africa he found it hard to understand there language which was called Zulu. In South African they are famous for their Gems and iron. So Mr McKenzie bought some. Before he left South Africa to travel back home he wanted to learn about a famous person called Nelson Mandela. Nelson Mandela spent 27 years in prison and was very important in ending apartheid.

  4. One bright sunny day, Pirate Mckenzie set sail across the vast Atlantic ocean. The waves were powerful but his boat was sturdy and its skull and cross bones sails scared away everyone who saw it. He sailed for a month, all alone apart from a common octopus which rose to the surface to say hello. He avoided the Porbeagle shark because it kept trying to eat his boat. He traveled past Cape Town where he saw juicy pink grapefruits and delicious grapes which made his mouth water. He heard people talking to one another in Zulu as they journeyed to work. Grey parrots flew overhead as he swam with a Leatherback turtle. Finally, Pirate Mckenzie steered his boat towards Port Louis in Mauritius where he attended a Hindu festival.

  5. I really enjoyed your stories and loved the factual information you included in your tales.
    Idriss enjoyed them too and really liked the two children at the end of Shanel's story, the spices from Sophia's story and the shark from Freya's tale.

    You are brilliant writers! Perhaps we should write a book together about the adventures of the Pirate McKenzie!
