Monday 11 May 2020

Monday 11th May 2020 - SPaG

Following on from last week, we are looking at collective nouns today. Can you answer the question below?

Mr McKenzie's challenge!

How many collective nouns do you know? For example... A pride of lions. A tower of giraffes. 

There are so many collective nouns for groups of animals. How many can you find?


  1. George is correct because a group of Dolphins is called a pod.

    1) A school of fish
    2) A pack of dogs
    3) A flock of birds
    4) A swarm of bees
    5) A parade of elephants
    6) A nest of snakes

  2. 1. George because he's being more collective and Niamn is just being like a rock star because she is saying gang

  3. That is a great list of collective nouns for animals, Sophia.

    Here is a link to a video with many more:

  4. George is correct because a collective noun is used for a group of people,things or animals and a group of dolphins is called a pod and usually is formed of around 12 dolphins.


    A barren,span or pack of mules

    A troop of monkeys

    A leap of leopards

    A catch of fish

    A hive of bees

    A litter of puppies

    A team of horses

    A flock of sheep

    A troop of lions

  5. Hi,
    George is correct.
    1) A swarm of bees
    2) An army of ants
    3) A colony of rabbits
    4) A parliament of owls
    5) A cluster of spiders
