This term, Year 3 have been learning about the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age. The Stone Age, the Bronze Age, and the Iron Age are three period of history identified by the
way people made tools and weapons. They have been learning about differences and similarities between these historical ages.
Did you know.....?
The Stone Age is split into three different periods:
- The Palaeolithic period (early Stone Age)
- The Mesolithic period (middle Stone Age)
- The Neolithic period (late Stone Age)
Did you know.....?
It is called the Stone Age because it is characterised by when early humans, sometimes known as cavemen, started using stone, such as flint, for tools and weapons. They also used stones to light fires. These stone tools are the earliest known human tools.
Did you know.....?
Cave paintings are prehistoric works of art created by Stone Age people that have been found all over the world, with the oldest known being found in Europe.
Did you know.....?
Work started on Stonehenge around 5,000 years ago in the late Neolithic Age – but it took over 1,000 years to build, in four long stages! Archaeologists believe the final changes were made around 1,500BC, in the early Bronze Age.
Last week, the children drew amazing pictures of Stonehenge using chalk and black paper to recreate the stones in silhouette. Using different materials in your house - could you create your own picture of Stonehenge. Send them to us and we will load them on the blog.
What facts can you find out about the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age? Look at the websites below and add your comments and interesting facts below.