Friday, 9 October 2020

Destination Reader

 In KS2, we use Destination Reader to improve our comprehension and understanding of books. We read together as a class, and then use sentence stems to support our discussions around the texts shared. 

When reading at home, try using the DR sentence stems to share your ideas with your family and friends. 

You could listen to some of the stories at StorylineOnline and discuss these with your family. As part of Black History Month, there are a number of high quality picture books celebrating black stories and black voices.

TT Rockstars


As part of your home learning, ensure that you are going on TT Rockstars everyday to practise your times tables. Knowing your times tables will enable you to solve calculations and maths problems quickly and efficiently. Currently upper Key Stage 2 are dominating the top 3 positions on our leadership, do you think you could beat them? Well done to Rushane in Year 5 and Jamila and David in Year 6.

If you need your login details, contact the school or email

Are you a TT Rockstar? 

Welcome to Year 3's Blog

Welcome to our class blog. We will be using this page to help you continue your learning and education if you are at home. We will be updating this page with thoughts, ideas, lessons, links and questions. Please read the 'Online Safety and Blogging Rules' before you start commenting and replying. 

We really look forward to hearing from you.
From Miss Kurban and all the staff at De Beauvoir.